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Milestones in life:

There are so many issues to consider when planning one's financial future, so here are a few 'milestones in life' to assist you.

Birth - starting school, university or college - starting work - change of job - first home - getting married - starting a family - moving house - change of location - redundancy - starting your own business - unexpected windfall - divorce - illness - retirement - death

With personal circumstances changing from time to time it is important to undertake a review your financial position to accommodate all of your needs.

Comprehensive financial planning:

We believe financial planning is a journey. It's about mapping out a path towards your goals and then ensuring you stay on track, life goals can include buying a home, saving for your child's education or planning for retirement. Links Wealth Management Limited can help you set your goals and guide you along on the way to achieving the lifestyle you want.

We assess the two key planks of financial planning:

1) Protecting your present position - making sure that you have suitable insurance in place, either through employers benefits or privately, to protect you and your families income and lifestyle in the event of ill health or death.

2) Savings and Investments - making sure that you do not take undue risk with your investments in the short term, AND that you do not miss out on growth opportunities over the long term. Striking the balance to maximize your position.

A small change in the way you manage your finances today can make a very considerable difference to your finances in the future.